Hybrid Conference
The International Scientific Conference ”Perspectives of European Business Law” is held in Bucharest in a hybrid form with some speakers present at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and others online.
The Conference shall address this year several big topics in the European area: Company Law, Single Market, Competition Law, European Contract Law, Tax Law, Banking Law, Labor Law, Consumer Law and Criminal Law.
The works of the conference are streamed online on:
Wolters Kluwer
Facebook Live – https://www.facebook.com/DreptASE
Canal Youtoube – https://www.youtube.com/c/DreptASEwebinars
We kindly ask the ones who want to adress questions to write us on facebook and Youtoube, we will adress them to the speakers.
Publication Oportunities
All the papers presented at the conference must be in English and the selected ones are published in the conference’s proceedings and the parters’ journals like:
- The Juridical Tribune, indexed in Web Of Science Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) and Scopus.
- Revista „Dreptul” – „Law” Review – a well known both national and international academic review indexed by the following databases: Ebsco, and CEEOL, published by the
- Romanian Business Law Review, a double-blinded peer-reviewed open-access international academic review – that will be launched with this occasion
- „Fiscal Courier” review Published by C.H. Beck, indexed BDI (Ebsco, Heinonline)
- Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor, Wolters Kluwer
- Conference Proceedings volume under the Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House
Pta Romana 6, Bucharest, District 1, 010374