
Guidelines for the authors

The article: 

The paper has to be written in Times New Roman 12, justify, 1 line spacing. The footnotes should use Times New Roman 10. 

The paper should be divided into chapters. The chapter title will be written in Times New Roman 12, aligned left, bold, 1 line space between the chapter title and text; the paragraph title will be written in Times New Roman 12, aligned left, italic, 1 line space between the paragraph title and text. Chapters and paragraphs will be numbered. The articles submitted for publication should not exceed 12 standard pages.

Both in the body of the text and in the footnotes the following short forms are used: art. (= article); para. (= paragraph); p./pp. (= page or pages); vol. (= volume); GO (= Government Ordinance); GD (= Government Decision).

Bibliography will be mentioned at the end of the article, using Word instruments. Titles of works cited will be mentioned in the original language, translation into English/French is optional.

For other quoted works (case-law, legislation) please use only footnotes. Footnotes will be numbered continuously, without starting with no.1 on each page.

The text and the footnotes of the paper have to use normal character format, and, when required, only italics.

Figures and tables will be numbered (eg. Figure 1, Table 1) using Times New Roman 11, italics, and will be placed between text lines, without being surrounded by text. The spacing above the figure/table will be 1 line. The spacing beneath the title of the figure/table will be 2 lines. The source of figures/tables will be mentioned, if they are not the original work of the author.

Please note that papers that do not respect the guidelines will not be published.



The abstract should be maximum 300 words long. It has to use Times New Roman 10, italics, justify, 3 lines under the author’s name.


4-6 keywords that comprise the essence of the article have to be mentioned, listed according to their importance. They will be written 2 lines under the abstract, in Times New Roman 10, italics, justify. 


The study has to be written in English/Romanian language.

Page format: 

Papers must be submitted in A4 format, 2 cm margins top, bottom, left, right.

Title of the article: 

The TITLE should be written in capital letters, Times New Roman 12, bold, centre.
For Romanian authors the title should be also written in Romanian, under the title in English.


The name of the author should be written in Times New Roman 12, aligned to the right, one space under the title. The family name will be capitalized. The symbol * has to be written next to the family name as a footnote, and will include information regarding the status of the author, his/her academic rank, scientific title, name of institution or workplace (for each author separately, using **, *** etc.).

Identity of Authors:

The articles received for publication in the review will be selected using the “double blind peer review” procedure, meaning that the both reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers and vice versa. To facilitate this, authors need to submit their papers in a way that does not give away their identity, so please read the above guidelines.



Pta Romana 6, Bucharest, District 1, 010374

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