The International Conference “Perspectives of European Business Law”
3rd edition
15 November 2024
Friday – 15 November
Welcoming session 9:30-10:00 Moderator Phd. Andreea Stănciulescu (Alexe) |
09:00 to 9:30 |
Registration and Welcome |
Associate prof. PhD. Ovidiu Ioan Dumitru – Dean Faculty of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Professor PhD. Patrick Sensburg – University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration in North Rhine-Westphalia |
1st Session – Institutional EU Law Moderator: University lecturer Phd. Laura Spătaru-Negură 10:00- 12:30 |
Keynote speaker Professor PhD. Patrick Sensburg – The European Business Code and the Program of the new EU Commission Europe’s choice 2024-2029 |
Professor PhD. Bianca Maria Predescu – Exclusive Jurisdiction in the Area of Personal Status – the Clash between the Code of Civil Procedure and EU Regulations |
Senior lecturer PhD. Laura Spătaru-Negură – Tackling the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Human Rights Aspects |
Senior lecturer PhD. Livia Călin – Current Issues in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Refugee Protection, Asylum and Extradition |
11:20 – 11:45 – Coffee Break |
Prosecutor PhD. candidate Horia Tiugan – European Law and the Obligations of Internet Service Providers and Social Media Platforms in Reporting Child Sexual Abuse |
Lawyer, PhD. candidate Costin Chiriță – Draghi Report – Legal Perspectives |
Associate prof. PhD. Horațiu Răzvan Radu – CJUE Reform. Implications for Practitioners |
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break and Special Event – launching of the research centre – Centre of European Business Law Studies |
2nd Session European contract law and Digital Single Market Moderator: PhD Larisa Capisizu 13:30 – 16:20 |
Awards ceremony – European Business Law Students’ Perspective Official sponsor Romanian Society of Business Law |
Keynote speaker Professor PhD. Christos Kazantzis – Influence on Innovation and AI in Perspective of the European Business Law |
Lawyer, PhD. Oana Gherghina – AI Oppenheimer moment: Steps Towards Regulatory Response to AI’s Existential Risk to Humanity |
Key-note speaker Professor PhD. Raluca Dimitriu – The Transposition of European Legislation on Part-Time Employment Contracts into Romanian Law: Certain Inconsistencies |
PhD. Candidate Maria Cristina Ichim – The Right to Salary of the Temporary Employee According to the Romanian Legislation and other EU States |
Senior lecturer PhD. Ana-Maria Lupulescu – The Hardship Theory from an European Perspective |
Visiting professor, PhD. candidate Mihai G. Popa – The Supply Contract of Energy from the European Business Law Perspective |
Lawyer, PhD. Larisa Capisizu – Digital Transformation in European Trade: Integrating Smart Contracts with CISG |
16:20 Coffee break |
3rd Session Single Market, Competition and European Company Law Moderator: Phd. George Ionita 16:30 -19:00 |
Keynote speaker Professor PhD. Nicola de Luca – Vanvitelli University – Immovable Castles, Movable Companies and the Real Seat Criterion in Troubles (Edil Work, C-276/22) |
Keynote speaker Visiting professor PhD Dan Pascu, Vice President – Romanian Competition Council |
Associate prof. PhD Ioan Lazăr, Assist. prof. PhD. Laura Lazăr, Foreign Subsidies and the European Union Internal Market: Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities |
Lawyer, PhD candidate Mădălina Cotruț – Challenges of Permanent Establishment created by Non-residents in Romania |
Visiting professor PhD. Emilia Mădulărescu, Judge Cristina Nicoleta Iachim – Cross-border Insolvency and its Reflection in National Legislation |
University lecturer PhD. Roxana Chirieac, Assist. Prof. phD. Andreea Stănciulescu (Alexe) – „Country of origin” Principle – Case C372/22 |
Assist. prof. PhD. Oana Nicoleta Retea, Free Movement of Persons also includes the Issue of the Name of the Natural Person. CJEU case law |
Senior lecturer PhD. Dragoș Mănescu – The European Legislation regarding early Intervention Measures, Condition for Resolutions and Financing of Resolution Action |
Lawyer, PhD. George Ioniță – The Participation of Third Parties involved in Competition Actions. National and European Legislative and Jurisdictional Perspectives |
Hybrid Conference
The first edition of the International Scientific Conference ”Perspectives of European Business Law” will be held in Bucharest in a hybrid form with some speakers present at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and others online.
The Conference shall address this year several big topics in the European area: Company Law, Single Market, Competition Law, European Contract Law, Tax Law, Banking Law, Labor Law, Consumer Law and Criminal Law.
The works of the conference will be streamed online on:
Wolters Kluwer
Facebook Live –
Canal Youtoube –
We kindly ask the ones who want to adress questions to write us on facebook and Youtoube, we will adress them to the speakers.
Publication Oportunities
All the papers that will be presented at the conference must be in English and will be published in the conference’s proceedings and the parters’ journals like:
- Revista „Dreptul” – „Law” Review – a well known both national and international academic review indexed by the following databases: Ebsco, and CEEOL
- European Business Law Journal, a double-blinded peer-reviewed open-access international academic review
Pta Romana 6, Bucharest, District 1, 010374